Delta County Economic Development Alliance
The Delta County EDA is a resource for business attraction, retention, and expansion. We can provide timely and accurate information on nearly any business-related aspect of Delta County. We have worked with companies with hundreds of employees to entrepreneurial start-ups.
We serve as a “one-stop” shop for business and site selectors and respond to inquiries within a timely fashion.
Vicki Schwab
230 Ludington Street
Escanaba, MI 49829
Ph. 906-786-2192
Lake Superior Community Partnership
The LSCP will continue to consistently lead economic development efforts across the region, leveraging its staff, resources, and partners to spearhead major project efforts, secure collaborative support for key initiatives, and deliver measurable value to its constituents.
Amy Clickner
501 S. Front Street
Marquette, MI 49855
Ph. 906-226-6591